Friday, July 23, 2010

Protesting Mosques???

I've seen a couple articles and reports in the last week about people who are protesting the building of mosques in their communities, and one near the World Trade Center site.

I'm always surprised when I hear about this kind of thing, and even more surprised when I hear the "logic" that is used by some to justify it.  The Ricky Bobby reasoning used to defend their arguments is extremely simplistic and doesn't really have any "reason" to it.

Sarah Palin is weighing in on the proposed mosque near the WTC, posting on Twitter, ""Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing."

How is a religious group's desire to build a place of worship a provocation?  Hey, there are some Christians who wear sheets on their heads and burn crosses and commit hate-crimes against minorities.  Some Christians dragged a gay man to his death behind a car. 

So by her logic, we should probably ask all the other "Peace-seeking" Christians to stop building their churches too, because that would be best for healing among minority groups and the gay community.
Are you kidding me?  That would never fly among Christians.  They would never even consider it, and why would they?  The people committing these acts of violence and bigotry are the minority among Muslims, as they are among Christians.  Why in the world would you ask people of another faith to do something the majority of Christian Americans would never consider doing? 

Newt Gingrich said, "There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia."  He also said that America is experiencing "an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization."

Seriously?  A lot of women are also forced to wear burkahs in Saudi Arabia.  So are you going to completley ban them here, like they're trying to do in France and other nations around the world?  We're just going to do the opposite of what they do? 

Is this the vision he has of how America should lead the world?  Saudi Arabia has harsh laws that discrimate severely against other religions, women, etc...  So America is justified in doing the same thing?  He wants us  to drop our standards just because some other country does?  You've got to be kidding me.

And what are you going to do with the other mosques already in New York?  Why is this mosque worse than any other mosque already located in the city?  I don't by the 9/11 connection.  That's just using that tragic event to cover up bigotry and fear.

This is pretty sad. We're sending our troops across the world to fight for the freedoms we claim as Americans, and yet right here at home we want to deny those freedoms to our own people.  The majority of the Muslims worshipping at these mosques are Americans just like you and me.

People of all religions died during the 9/11 attacks, to include Muslims.  Muslims are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq right now trying to secure the same freedoms we enjoy here in the US.  Whether it's troops, or policemen, or interpreters, or contractors, or people who work on bases, or voters, or informants, or whatever, they are all MUSLIM. 

And I would dare say that these people, who are working with or for the US, and who are actually at risk every day of being blown up or murdered by actual terrorists (or having their loved ones blown up or murdered by terrorists), are likely doing more to fight for and preserve the values that we strive for than anyone showing up to protest the building of a mosque in their neighborhood.

People are masking their bigotry and prejudices with this idea that all mosques are going to be breading grounds for terrorists. 

The worst part about it is that this the exact kind of twisted logic that Osama Bin Ladin and other crack pots spews about us in the West.

If we don't figure out a way to be better than this, then we'll end up no different.


Green said...

I agree with your angle and logic on this. The quotes that you posted from Palin and Gingrich seem to be driven by fear. I have always been opposed to one religion speaking out against another. I live in the south and get a lot of hate from some Baptists just because they don't agree with my choice of religion. They are taught by their ministers to fear others. I know Palin is a pretty staunch Baptist.
When you say those people who dragged someone to their death are Christian, I disagree. Christian isn't a religion, it's a way of life. If you emulate Christ in your actions, you are a Christian.
Muslims are no different. Some may be distorting their religion in the name of Allah to try and legitimize their actions, but those true to the faith shouldn't be fooled.
It's ridiculous to say there shouldn't be a mosque wherever they choose. This is America!!!
Fear is what binds us!

letfreedomring said...

Okay, so let's not jump on the Baptist bashing bandwagon because you've had two bad experiences with them. I am not a Baptist, but this is the same slippery slope.

Sarah Palin is not calling New York to ban the muslim's rights to build a mosque. Sarah Palin simply peacefully requested they reject the proposal and stated an argument for why a mosque in that area might not be warmly embraced. If she is calling for laws to be made about banning mosques being built, then shame on her. If she is stating that building it in that area seems like a punch in the face, good for her! We should be calmly talking about how we feel about things and requesting that people take other people's feelings into consideration without ripping their freedoms away. To condemn her for doing so and taking this quote and making it into a statement about conservatives wanting to take people's rights away is shameful.

So while when I first read the article I was shaking my head in agreement with you because it is ABSOLUTELY wrong to keep muslims from building mosques because of our own fears, when I went to respond and looked more closely, no one is doing ANYTHING of the sort--at least not as evidenced in this posting. They are just voicing their reaction and it isn't exactly invalid, either.

sterfryiv said...

Rick Lazio, a gubanitorial (sp) candidate in NY is trying to have the current building declared a historic landmark so that the mosque can't be built...that seems to qualify as having laws made to prevent a mosque from being built.

Anyways, I was not trying to knock conservatives on this issue, they're just the high profile people sounding off, and I very much disagree with them, at least these two. As I said, there logic doesn't make sense, not to me.

This isn't just happening in NYC; new mosques are
now being protested all over the country, and NYC is just the most prolific.

I certainly understand the sensitivities around ground zero, but there comes a point where you can't step on other peoples rights.

I used the NYC example because it's getting the most attention. Maybe I should have written more on the rest of the places in the US where the sme debates are occuring. Muslims are being asked not to build mosques because of fear of "sleeper cells". And people are using 9-11 to justify their arguments.

What does ground zero have to do with the protests of mosques in CA or the midwest? Aparently to these protesters, it has everything to do with it.

Finally, I'm not condemning sarah palin for her opinion...she can (and does) say whatever she wants whenever she wants, and she does it much more loudly than me. I just don't agree with most of what she says because her reasoning never seems based on anything sound. John McCain might have had my vote, but he lost it when he broght her on board.

green said...

Ha! I didn't realize I was bashing the Baptists. I said SOME were ignorant. I have lived here for 4 years and have had my share of experiences. If you'd like examples, I would be happy to fill you in. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff!
I have neighbor's who are baptist and the best kind of people. We trust each other and treat one another like family. They would do anything for us. On our other side is a Baptist minister who won't let his son in our backyard.
Every religion has both kinds of people.
My point with that specific religion is that they are taught to think negatively about certain other religions. When I moved here I went to the baptist convention website to see what they believe so that I could understand them better. What I found is that they were telling their people what I supposedly believe and what to say to me if we come in contact. The stuff they posted as fact about my religion was totally twisted. They also had a few other faiths there that they were doing the same to. It comes from the top down. They teach their people to fear.
Back to the issue at hand....
After reading this post I commented without having any other knowledge about what is going on. Since I responded, I have become a little more educated on the issue.
I stand by everything I said before, but would like to add that I understand why building a mosque on 9/11 ground is insensitive at best. It is a slap in the face. The whole thing is a mess. They should be allowed to build wherever they like, but most normal human beings would be sensitive enough to take their project elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

"If we don't figure out a way to be better than this, then we'll end up no different." - Sterling,seriously tell me you don't believe this rhetoric!

By the very virtue of this blog we are light years better then would be ever tolerated even in the most "tolerant" of the Islamic states. Just look at how they treat their women, it is truly disgusting.

But I digress.

Throughout history whenever Muslims defeated an enemy they would build a mosque as a tribute to their victory. The most blaring example being the Dome of the Rock and we all know how that is going to end up. Having said that religious freedom in the principle tenant that the US was founded on. It is indeed a very odd scenario.

I do not support the mosque at ground zero. I also don't support violating religious right (even though we do every day in America).
I believe in Capitalism and think we should donate to a fund to buy the land and put it towards a more useful and higher purpose. I for one would donate heavily to such a cause. -BZ

Daniel B. said...

I love the Gorillaz.

Got Bals? said...

Amendment I- "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

It seems pretty clear to me...if any law is made that prevents a group or individual from practicing their religion or none at all, the law will have been violated. No matter how it is disguised, when our politicians maneuver to prevent free exercise, we are in trouble.

If the group in question can legally purchase the property and it is zoned for that particular type of facility...then it should be a dead issue.